This blog is about how the right networking events can help you find the right job (or jobs!) for you.

Monday, May 30, 2011

NYC Business and Tech events in June from EventBrite

I just got this forwarded from my roommate - events in NYC in business and tech (via Eventbrite) are below. Enjoy!

Want to improve your "social" skills? The common theme in June is social media, and we've got events covering everything from social apps to improving your community management skills. Also check out entrepreneur evenings, a Silicon Alley talent fair, and much more below.

Founders @Fail: Brad Burnham (Union Square Ventures)
Wednesday 6/1 from 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM
New York, NY / $10

Been seeing a lot of the proverbial “fail whale” lately? There’s good news! Often the most epic #fails lead to some of the best business lessons, and this series is all about the takeaways from those lows. Up next is VC Brad Burnham, who sits on the boards of 9 companies... hey, that doesn’t sound like failing!

The Social Experience of Media: Personalized Apps,
TV, ECommerce, what’s next...

Tuesday 6/7 from 6 PM – 9 PM
New York, NY / $15

WimLink—which connects women in tech and media—hosts this evening of cocktails, networking, and discussion about the real impact social media is having on consumers. Caroline Waxler, head of content for Lucky Magazine, will share her insider’s take on this critical subject.

Samuel Adams Brewing the American Dream Speed Coaching Event
Monday 6/13 from 6 PM – 8:30 PM
Brooklyn, NY / Free

You know the name of Samuel Adams’ founder—and even the sound of his voice—which says something about the success of Jim Koch’s industry-leading microbrewery. Experts from the company teach food and beverage entrepreneurs the nuts and bolts of PR, financing, legal and more at this workshop at The Commons Brooklyn.

Entrepreneur iEvening
Tuesday 6/14 at 4 PM
New York, NY / $30

You know the old spelling lesson: an “i” before “evening” means you’re in for a night of startup goodness. This evening workshop hosted by the iBreakfast crew gathers entrepreneurs, executives and venture types, letting you pitch your business plan to the folks in the know.

Discover New Companies from Abroad
Wednesday 6/15 from 5:30 PM – 8 PM
New York, NY / $75

Want to get in on those emerging markets before they’ve emerged? Foreign startups while they’re still... starting up? Find out which international companies are leading the charge in this evening of cocktails and roundtables from the Worldwide Investor Network. It’s no accident their initials spell WIN.

Using Social Media to Make Your Organization More Likeable
Tuesday 6/16 from 8:30 AM – 10:30 AM
New York, NY / $99–125

The truly great thing about social media for companies is that if it’s used right, it can instantly make your brand friendly and fun—in short, likeable! This Likeable Media event teaches you precisely how to become “irresistible in the social media space.” Thumbs up!

Silicon Alley Talent Fair & After Party
Thursday 6/16 from 12 PM – 6 PM
New York, NY / $200–350

Silicon Alley is on a roll lately, and an influx of top 212 tech talent is a big reason why. If you’ve got a New York startup in need of new hires, don’t miss this chance to get the cream of the crop in one spot. There’s a reduced rate if your startup has fewer than 5 employees!

Defining Metrics and Analytics for Your Community Efforts: A Workshop
Wednesday 6/29 from 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM
New York, NY / $65

Community management is a critical new area for companies: But how do you judge whether your efforts are working? What does success even look like in the social media world? Lauren Perkins of Perks Consulting talks engagement and influence—and tells you which numbers you need to be watching.

Not your style? Luckily we've got options. Enter any keyword to see more local events»

"Loving @eventbrite right now... it's like having a little party planner that lives in my computer." Eventbrite Twitter feed»

Know a friend who'd be interested in these events?
Let them know! Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Digg

June 7 - The Feast event - digital

I'm on the Feast mailing list, which has great events in design, social change, and more. Check this out!
Happy networking,


How Digital Will Change the World
Remember the world before Google? How about Twitter? The emergence of the digital web has changed the way the world works, and the way we change the world. From Jumo to Kickstarter, new uses of the web are empowering people with a sense of social awareness to do something. But what are the best tools, principles, and practices for using the web and how can the social change world learn how best to do it? Come learn from experts in the digital space during New York's Internet Week - get a taste of what all those zeros and ones can generate when applied to the world wide web of social change. We know they're digital bytes, but we promise it will get you full on good!
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Salt Space
1158 Broadway, New York

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Social Impact Bonds - Nonprofit Finance Fund webinar June 9

If you're interested in cutting edge developments at the intersection of social impact and finance, check out this webinar on June 9.

Nonprofit Finance Fund

SIB Group 4/28 Webinar Recording Followup Q&A Join us on Twitter! NFF Home

Upcoming SIB Webinar
First-Mover States - What Are They Doing and Why?
Join us on June 9th, 1:00 – 2:15pm EST
Sign Up!

Social Impact Bonds (SIB) have generated considerable interest in the United States. Much of this interest centers on the potential embedded in the SIB structure for bringing positive changes to the financing, delivery and cost of social programs that is built on the core concept of  "pay for performance."

President Obama's budget for 2012 galvanized this interest in its proposal to provide $100 million in funding to support "Pay for Success" projects.  Recently, some states have begun to take concrete steps to investigate the possibility of implementing comprehensive pay for performance financing programs.

In this webinar, two first-mover states that are taking different approaches to pay-for-performance financing, Massachusetts and Minnesota, discuss: (i) what factors led them to take their respective approaches, (ii) what their approaches involve, (iii) the current status of their efforts and (v) what they hope to accomplish.

Massachusetts' Request for Information (RFI)
In issuing its Request for Information to explore 'Social Innovation Financing,' Massachusetts is the first state to take formal steps towards a comprehensive social innovation financing program that includes social impact bonds or pay-for-success contracts in response to President Obama's Pay for Success initiative launched earlier this year.

Minnesota's 'Human Capital Performance Bond'
The Minnesota House and Senate recently passed a State Government Bill that contains a provision for a $20 million pilot for 'human capital performance bonds.' Under this provision in the bill, the bonds would be issued in the municipal bond market by Minnesota, under the bonding authority of the State. Bond proceeds would provide a pool of capital that would be used to support pay for performance based programs delivered by pre-qualified service providers (learn more here). Minnesota's human capital performance bond legislation is based on Twin Cities Rise!, a successful, 13-year pay for performance contracting program in the State. This is the first approach to consider issuing bonds in the capital markets for the sole purpose of supporting pay for performance programs.

Greg Mennis: Assistant Secretary for Finance and Infrastructure, Massachusetts Executive Office for Administration and Finance
Steve Rothschild: Founder and President of Invest in Outcomes (IIO). IIO is a nonprofit piloting a "Human Capital Performance Bond"

Sign up for the webinar here!
Or paste this link into your browser:

4/28 Webinar

Pay for Success Projects and Social Impact Bonds: Structuring Considerations and Adaptations Arising from the Field

Thanks for joining us for the April webinar. If you missed it, you can find the webinar recording in the SIB Learning Group. (You'll need to be logged in to access these links.) Along with the slides and video of the webinar, Nicola Bacon from The Young Foundation and Kylie Charlton and Les Hems from the Centre for Social Impact have responded to additional questions in the Q&A post.

Thanks for your participation in the Webinar!
NFF's SIB team

What is SIB?
What is Pay for Success?
Learn more about NFF's SIB Learning Group
Questions about the Webinar? Contact Jessica LaBarbera.
Having trouble signing up for the SIB Learning Group? Contact Andrew Schwalm.

Social Venture structure labs from Criterion Ventures - NY/SF

These are cool. I think one of the old discount codes was NEWMIX10 or NEWMIX11 from their New Mix Drinks event - I went to a Criterion Ventures networking gig last August and it was awesome.
Happy networking!

structure_lab_logo 2
Expand your possibilities at Structure Lab!
New York, Tuesday, June 14 and San Francisco, Thursday, June 23!
just 10 seats for New York and  20 for San Francisco - register today
*A Boston Structure Lab is also schedule for late June
please contact for more details
Over the past year entrepreneurs, academics, foundation executives, thought leaders, advisors and investors have participated in Structure Labs across the country.  They've told us that the experience helped them leverage structure and relationships to achieve their goals.
"Structure Lab gets right to the point – how can form meet mission in a complicated world?  An eye-opening, value-packed tutorial."  - Daniel Tellalian, Director, Emerging Markets, Inc.
What is Structure lab?
Structure Lab is a day-long experience in which participants explore how corporate structures and hybrid forms can enable or hinder their efforts.  Grounded in a framework that legal structures exist to manage relationships, the system of Structure Lab enables you to navigate new forms - from PRIs to L3Cs - and to sort through dozens of other forms that have been around for decades or centuries.  Participants gain new tools and perspectives which enable better choices about financing, governance, growth, market interaction and exits.

New York Lab Details:
41 Madison Avenue, Suite 4000, New York, NY
Tuesday, June 14
9:30 AM to 4:00 PM
now only $299

San Francisco Lab Details:
Hanson Bridgett
425 Market Street, 26th Floor, San Francisco
Thursday, June 23
from 9:30 AM to 4:00 PM
now only $299
Structure Lab will be lead by the Founder and President of Criterion Ventures, Dr. Joy Anderson. Joy has a depth and breadth of expertise in social enterprise - in building Criterion Ventures, co-founding Good Capital, and designing dozens of other innovative organizations and initiatives. She has more than twenty years of leadership in the social change sector, and is a prominent national speaker.  Joy was also most recently listed as #51 on Fast Company's 100 most creative business leaders, sharing the list with the likes of Oprah Winfrey, Conan O'Brien, Tina Fey and many more.  Find out more here. 

Criterion Ventures identifies, examines and solves social problems on a large scale by launching social ventures - either for clients, or on our own.  Criterion works across discipline and sector with large nonprofits, faith-based institutions, foundations and individuals to develop sustainable, business driven solutions in areas like impact investing, healthcare, education, energy and the environment, poverty and more.  Criterion brings to this work a wealth of connections, the methodology and savvy to navigate complexity, and a commitment to creating social impact. Visit our website to learn more.

Perlman+Perlman represents nonprofit and business organizations in a wide variety of transactions, including the negotiation of contracts for goods and services, licenses of intellectual property, making and receiving grants and contributions, corporate sponsorships, fiscal sponsorships, financing agreements, real estate transactions, joint ventures, mergers, acquisitions and dissolutions. We also represent organizations in employment matters, the establishment of endowment funds and supporting organizations, donor-advised funds, earned income ventures, including social enterprise initiatives, and cross-border transactions. We represent organizations that raise capital through private placements, and our services in this regard include the preparation of offering documents such as private placement memoranda, shareholder agreements, and subscription agreements. Visit Perlman & Perlman for more information.

Hanson Bridgett is a leading provider of legal services to organizations engaged in sustainable business. Our clients, who range from cutting edge start-ups and socially responsible investors, to large corporations, have selected us because we help them succeed. We understand our clients' businesses and practice law in a way that reflects that understanding. Founded in 1958, Hanson Bridgett has more than 150 attorneys located in offices in San Francisco, the North Bay, Sacramento and the Silicon Valley. 
Click for more information on Hanson Bridgett.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Kiva New York microfinance happy hours and more - Sunday May 22

Hey fans of microfinance in NYC - check out these great events with Kiva (, the online peer to peer microfinance lending platform.
Happy networking!

Sunday, May 22nd 
- You are cordially invited to attended a pre-conference event hosted by Accion USA, Kiva New York and the Opportunity Fund.
From 4pm-6pm on Sunday afternoon there is a tour of the historic West Village. Registration cost will be dependent on the number of people that sign up (Between $7-15). 
After the tour there is a great beer bar to mix, mingle, and relax from 6-9pm at the outdoor West Village Beer Bar Vol De Nuit. 

Click this link to opt-in for emails from Kiva New York:

June 1 Sustainability, Science, & Society - discussion on climate change w/NYAS

I'm on the New York Academy of Sciences email list, and they have some cool stuff coming up on science, business, society, and sustainability.  Check out this event below!
Happy networking,

Climate Change, Science and Society: A Multidisciplinary Discussion

Wednesday, June 1, 2011 | 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
The New York Academy of Sciences
Presented by the Hot Topics in Green Science and Sustainability Discussion Group and Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change
Climate change has become one of the most visible phenomena in the world today, recognized through the changes occurring to physical climates, natural and managed environments and social organizations, and also through deliberations about ethical responsibility and public policy.
This special event will explore the topic of climate change from diverse disciplinary perspectives, illustrating that this phenomenon is not simply a scientific problem, but a social and economic one as well and that the development of solutions is likely to require interdisciplinary partnerships. David Rind of NASA/GISS will discuss his research using climate models to predict future impacts; Steve Rose of EPRI will speak about the economic impacts of climate change; Lauren Chambliss of Cornell will share her experiences communicating environmental issues to policy makers; and finally the speakers will participate in a moderated discussion about how their disciplines must come together to address and illuminate the problem of global climate change.
Networking reception to follow.

Presented by

Friday, May 20, 2011

NYC Happy Hour for Acumen Fund, Th June 2

Just saw this on the Acumen Fund online community site - check it out!
Happy networking,

Plaintext info:

Acumen Fund Happy Hour
Thursday, June 2
6-8:30 PM
Vig Bar - 12 Spring St

Saturday, May 14, 2011

NYC Startups recruiting fair - Thurs June 16

Just heard about this from the email list - you should sign up if you're interested in tech and startups in NYC and elsewhere.
Happy networking!

Silicon Alley Talent Fair & After Party

Hurry up and join us for the biggest ever recruiting event (w/ After Party) for NYC Startups!

From 12:00pm - 6:00pm on Thursday, June 16th more than 100 NYC startups will come together to actively recruit hungry talent. Registration for job seekers is $10, but if you register before May 20th, you'll receive a 50% early bird discount.

Register at

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Conference in Washington, DC on rural and agricultural finance

Just heard about this from the StartingBloc network in NYC - check it out!
Happy networking,

The Cracking the Nut Conference: Overcoming Obstacles to Rural and Agricultural Finance will be a place to discover and discuss the latest in Rural and Agricultural Finance. I know that many StartingBloc fellows are working in agriculture and food security throughout the globe - with our growing population and climate change, we face a world where many more will not have enough to eat. Agricultural finance is a key part of this conversation. At the Conference, you will meet like-minded participants from around the globe, pitch your ideas and find funding, share your lesson learned and challenges, build partnerships and more! If you haven't registered yet and this sounds like the place for you, we encourage you to register for the Conference before it closes at the end of this weekend (May 15, 2011)! Join us in Washington, DC - register today!

Top 5 Reasons for Attending the Conference?
  • Network with over 300 rural and agricultural finance specialists from over 30 countries who are committed to building and strengthening the field. See list of participants who have registered already.
  • Share your experiences, tools, and innovative approaches in the areas of making markets work, agricultural finance, reaching rural areas, managing risk and attracting private investment.
  • Learn from others who are leading work in our 5 theme areas: Making Markets Work, Agricultural Finance Innovations, Reducing Cost of Rural Outreach, Managing Risk Effectively, and Attracting Private Investment. Choose sessions that will teach you something new and pave a path forward for action - See our list of Speakers and the full agenda.
  • Access to Conference Finding Publication that will summarize the knowledge shared at the conference, with an emphasis on distilling the most important lessons as well as highlighting unresolved issues facing the sector.
  • Advanced Networking, Online Discussions, Access to Presentation materials and more through the Conference’s Online Community.

May 19 women in business - mentorship vs. sponsorship event

This event looks really great - just invited several of my company's Women in Business members to attend.
Happy networking!

Young Women's Council Speaker Event
Part III of the Young Women's Council "Women in Finance and an Introspective Look at Our Careers" Series:
Mentorship vs. Sponsorship
Date: Thursday, May 19th
Time: 7:00pm- 9:00pm
Location: Reed Smith, 599 Lexington Avenue, 22nd Floor 

Is mentoring enough?  What is sponsorship and why does it matter?  We invite you to join us for a presentation given by Catalyst, the leading nonprofit membership organization expanding opportunities for women and business to find out! 

The event will feature Catalyst Executive Staff Members Debbie Soon, Senior Vice President of Strategy and Marketing, and Serena Fong, Director of Government Affairs, Communications and Public Affairs.  They will discuss research on the differences between mentorship and sponsorship and the impact of sponsor relationships on their own career progression. 

The event is free and refreshments will be served. Please sign up by clicking here.
*DOOR PRIZES: Get two other friends to attend and you will be in the running for some fabulous door prizes! Just have your two friends sign up via the website link above and then email telling us their names! All three of you must attend for you to win!
The discussion is a follow up to Part 1 (Book Discussion: "Brag! the Art of Tooting Your Own Horn without Blowing It" by Peggy Klaus) and Part II (Round Table Discussion on the Harvard Business School Case Study: "Why Men Still Get More Promotions than Women" and subsequent research "Mentoring: Necessary but Insufficient for Advancement").

The HWW Young Women's Council was created to bring together driven and passionate professional young women who hope to make a difference in their communities through service and philanthropy.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

June 28-29 IBM Global Smartcamp seeks event volunteers

NYC entrepreneurs - check this out!
Happy networking,

IBM Global SmartCamp is here in New York June 28-29, and we're looking for volunteers! SmartCamp is an exclusive global event bringing together entrepreneurs, investors and experienced mentors who want to build a Smarter Planet, and provides selected startups access to world-class advisors, seed, and venture capital.

If you'd like to help, please indicate you're availability here:
If you or a company you know is building technology for a smarter planet, please do invite them to apply. Submission deadline is June 3rd!

Please let me know if there's anything I might be able to help with, looking forward to hearing back!


The Hatchery
220 West 30th St, 2nd floor, New York

Sunday, May 8, 2011

The Role of Microfinance in Impact Investing - Monday May 16, 6-8 pm

This event looks really cool!  I'm a member of Women Advancing Microfinance and they always have interesting topics with great speakers and quality networking opportunities.

The Role of Microfinance in Impact Investing

Mayer Brown LLP
1675 Broadway
New York, NY 10019
Time: 6-8 pm
Women Advancing Microfinance-New York (WAM-NY) warmly invites you to spend an evening featuring leaders in the Impact Investing community.
Given the growth of Impact Investing, we have invited leaders in the sector to discuss their views on the role of Microfinance within the broader asset class.
Paul DiLeo is Founder and Managing Partner of Grassroots Capital Management, which works to engage capital to help eliminate global poverty through investments in microfinance and adjacent sectors such as health, housing and education.
Paul has pioneered the mobilization of private capital for the microfinance industry and in so doing has helped shape the sector as an investable opportunity. With over two decades of experience in development finance and 10 years' experience in the microfinance sector, he has cultivated a wealth of knowledge in the industry and is respected as a thought leader in the microfinance investment community.

Amit Bouri serves as Director of Strategy and Development at the Global Impact Investing Network (GIIN), a nonprofit organization dedicated to increasing the scale and effectiveness of impact investing around the world. The GIIN was launched at the 2009 Clinton Global Initiative annual meeting, and has been recognized by The Economist for its work supporting for-profit social and environmental solutions. At the GIIN, Amit focuses on strategic planning, program development, and external relations.
Sara Vermeir joined Incofin Investment Management in 2009. As Head of Business and Fund Development she works on the development of new funds, on the commercialization of existing funds, and on maintaining excellent investor relations. Sara is also part of the investment team and is a private equity manager, in charge of analyzing and negotiating the private equity transactions of Incofin IM's pool of funds, with a specific regional focus on Asia and on adjacencies to the traditional microfinance portfolio. 
Date:   Monday May 16, 2011
Venue: Mayer Brown LLC
Time:   6:00-6:30 Registration
           6:30-7:30 Featured Speakers
           7:30-8:00 Q&A/Networking
Fee:    $10 for non-members
           Free for WAM-NY members
Other:  Light refreshments will be served
Register Now!
**Please ensure you are a 2011 WAM Member if you register as a Member
Become a WAM NY Member for 2011-2012! You can join or renew your membership for the calendar year. Please email us at for more details.  Follow us online at WAM NY. We look forward to seeing you on the 16th! 
The WAM-NY Steering Committee
Women Advancing Microfinance (WAM) - NewYork

Friday, May 6, 2011

Data Analytics networking event in NYC

Just got this from another email list - check it out!
I work as a Business Analyst at Opera Solutions (, and we do data analytics and management consulting, so this looks pretty cool.
Happy networking,
DigitalFlashNYC exclusive networking event: Why is Data, the New Black?

Thursday, May 19, 2011 at 6:30 PM
- to -
Saturday, June 11, 2011 at 9:00 PM (ET)
Fifth Ave Loft
78 Fifth Ave
10th floor
New York NY
View Map
Will you attend?
Yes No Maybe
Join us on May 19th for DigitalFlashNYC's exclusive networking event: Why is Data, the New Black?

 Now more than ever, there are a tremendous number of  tools, white papers and chatter about Analytics and its "real" effects on digital & social. We're going to have some of the leading thinkers on this topic, have a frank conversation about what we're listening to, what are we measuring and what are the findings and is there real money being made? It's sure to be a spirited debate.
Read More

Share this event on Facebook and Twitter

We hope you can make it!


June 15-16 NYC Social Impact Exchange Conference on Scaling Impact

If you're an 85 Broads member, you get 50% off this conference!  I know I probably shouldn't publicize the code to the world but if you're a member or about to join, feel free to email me at kbierce [at] gmail <dot> com and I'd be happy to share the full content of this email.  Or you can register at full price - info is below.
Happy networking!


2011 Conference on Scaling Impact

85 Broads is pleased to share information about a two-day conference on June 15 & 16 in New York City.  The Social Impact Exchange 2011 Conference on Scaling Impact is by invitation only for funders interested in learning about innovative methods to support high-impact nonprofits that are growing.  The conference includes presentations from foundation CEOs and nonprofit leaders, as well as knowledge sessions and peer networking opportunities.  Find out more about the program HERE.
Who should attend: 
  • Funders with an interest in education, youth development, poverty alleviation, health or impact investing
  • Individual philanthropists who can make grants of more than $50,000 and their advisors
  • Local funders with an interest in scaling solutions in their cities and regions
  • CEOs and trustees of grantmaking institutions
85 Broads members receive a 50% registration discount ($595, instead of the full cost of $1,190). For registration details and more information, visit
Location: Museum of Jewish Heritage, Battery Park (36 Battery Place, NYC)
Date: Wednesday, June 15-Thursday, June 16
Time: 8:00am-7:30pm (Wed), 8:00am-5:30pm (Thurs)
Fee: $595 with 85 Broads discount
RSVP: Register HERE. The Social Impact Exchange will notify you when your registration is confirmed.
Any questions should be emailed to, or call (212) 551-1148.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

June 22-23 Corporate Social Responsibility certification

So I normally post about networking events rather than trainings, but this particular certification course in CSR looks pretty neat.  It comes from an email for the CSR Insight Tuesdays Meetup in NYC.  Check it out!

Dear Members,
For those who've always wanted a respected CSR credential but don't have the time or funds for an MBA, we have a special offer for you from the folks at CSE.
CSE’s Certified Sustainability (CSR) Practitioner Training entails a global perspective on Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability enabling professionals to gain an international professional certification as CSR Practitioners and lead their organizations, teams and projects towards Sustainability and Excellence.
For the upcoming course in New York, all members of the NY CSR Meetup are entitled to a 15% discount. See below for details.

Hotel Beacon, 2130 Broadway at 75th Street, New York

June 22-23, 2011, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM


Modules include:
  • Marketing
  • Public Relations 
  • Communications
  • Senior Management
  • Human Resources
  • Sustainability / CSR
  • Environmental Management 

Fields that benefit:
  • Marketing
  • Public Relations
  • Communications
  • General Management
  • Human Resources
  • Sustainability/CSR
  • Environmental Management

Professional benefits include:
Professionals gain advanced knowledge and acquire comprehensive skills for bringing added value and authenticity to their organizations at the strategic and operational level.
Successful Sustainability (CSR) Practitioners ensure that the commitment to Sustainability is deployed through the effective design and implementation of strategies and programs across organizations.
By maintaining high levels of confidence among stakeholders and adopting business transparency organizations achieve excellence and actively promote social responsibility across the Triple Bottom Line.

Certification details: At the end of the workshop, attendees will have an opportunity to complete a Final Assignment, which will qualify for certification. Upon successful completion, attendees will gain a CSR-P Certification and a CSR-P Seal.

To register, log on to To obtain the 15% discount for NY CSR Meetup members, enter code: CSRmeet.

For more information or for questions, contact Susan Gibbons, Executive Director CSE North America,

Best regards,
Amy and Laura

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

TEDxEast - "Tinker, Noodle, Obsess" on May 8

I'm on the local TED events email list, so check this out!

May 2, 2011

Let the festivities begin...

As we promised our community, we have some wonderful things planned for you next weekend in anticipation of TEDxEast's  "Tinker, Noodle, Obsess".  We know how our community loves to spend time together. So in collaboration with our partner, Lincoln, we have organized a few "Smart-City" tours next  SUNDAY,  MAY 8, 2011.

Here is how it works:

We have created three "Smart-City" tours that will pair a guided tour of some of the work of TEDxEast speakers you will hear on Monday, May 9, with private tours of some of NYC's most iconic cultural institutions.

The options begin and end at staggered times and all tours originate outside the Times Center at 242 W 41st Street.   Space is limited and these tours brought to you through the generosity of our partner, Lincoln, who will provide transportation for all attendees in Lincoln MKZ Hybrid and Lincoln MKX vehicles. (The cars will also be available for test drives during the breaks on May 9). The tours from start to finish will last about 2.5 hours.

Here are the options:

TEDxEast Community Day "Smart-City Tour" MoMA - Departure from Times Center at 10:30 am

TEDxEast Community Day "Smart City Tour" Lincoln Center -Departure  from Times Center at 1 pm

TEDxEast Community Day "Smart-City Tour" Metropolitan Museum-Departure from Times Center  at 2:30 pm

One gentle reminder- we ask that if you RSVP you are sure you can attend.  Space is limited and both Lincoln and the TEDxEast volunteers have put a lot of time into organizing this and we want to make sure it is full!  But, we cannot do cancellations or wait-lists- so we ask you to work on the honor system.