Check this out!
Happy networking,
Join us for The Wall Street Green Summit in New York City on March 19-20th. As the longest running and most comprehensive environmental market event in the industry, The WSGS covers cutting edge content, industry developments and features the practitioners and the leaders of tomorrow.
Learn from the experts about the latest opportunities in renewable energy finance, cleantech, green hedge funds, Smart Grid, impact investing, and much more.
Please visit the website for more information and to purchase your tickets for this exciting event.
We look forward to seeing you there.
Peter Fusaro
Wall Street Green Summit - March 19+20, 2012 ( from )
After college, I attended a lot of networking events in NYC as part of my job search. Now that I have a job, I still like to share what I’ve learn about great events. I think you'll agree that the "right events get you the right jobs," so I hope this blog is helpful. Email me if you know about a cool networking even: I’m kbierce (at) gmail dot com. Although I can’t attend everything, I love learning more about what’s new. A calendar of NYC events is at the bottom of this page.
This blog is about how the right networking events can help you find the right job (or jobs!) for you.
Monday, January 30, 2012
Saturday, January 28, 2012
NYU Social Innovation Symposium Fri Feb 10
NYU Social Innovation Symposium
Friday, February 10
11:30 am to 6 pm
Henry Kaufman Management Center
$50 for non-students
The second annual NYU Social Innovation Symposium is only two weeks away on Friday, February 10th. Tickets are going fast! The event is co-led by Wagner Bridge, the Stern Social Enterprise Association, and NYU Law SEA (Social Enterprise Alliance). But in the meantime, get this on your calendars now!
Friday, February 10
11:30 am to 6 pm
Henry Kaufman Management Center
$50 for non-students
The second annual NYU Social Innovation Symposium is only two weeks away on Friday, February 10th. Tickets are going fast! The event is co-led by Wagner Bridge, the Stern Social Enterprise Association, and NYU Law SEA (Social Enterprise Alliance). But in the meantime, get this on your calendars now!
Check out the symposium website: http://nyusis.tumblr. com/
To buy tickets go here: Current Students , Alumni/Non Students
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Think Like a Programmer Sun 1/29
Want to learn how programmers think? Check out this course!
----------- ($185)
412 Broadway
Sunday, Jan 29, 1-6 pm
----------- ($185)
412 Broadway
at Canal Street
New York, 10013
Sunday, Jan 29, 1-6 pm
Anyone and everyone can write their own programs! If you've ever cooked following a recipe, you can program. If you've ever solved a puzzle, you can program. If you've ever played a game - you can program! Learn the basic concepts of computers, information processing, and modern programming languages from a pro and empower yourself with a set of problem solving tools you can apply to any situation. Students at all skill levels are welcome, though beginners will benefit most from this study. No experience is required other than a strong desire to learn how to program.
Students will walk out of this 5 hour long workshop having learned many of the fundamental concepts of modern programming languages. They will gain a basic working knowledge of the Python programming language, and will take with them the mental framework needed to approach problems logically and atomically. Please note that this workshop is not about "building web sites" or using HTML or other markup languages or any other form of "front end design"; Python is best described as a "back end" technology and is all about how technology works "under the hood".
You must bring a laptop - MacBooks with Mac OS 10.4 or greater preferred, because they already come pre-installed with all the tools you need to get started programming immediately. Step by step instructions will be provided prior to start of the workshop to help you get your laptop ready for programming if you don't have a Mac.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Tues. Feb. 14 - Design for Social Innovation
This looks to be a great event: design, social innovation, chocolate and cool people!
Happy networking,
Happy networking,
Design for Social Innovation at SVA, COMMON and Social Innovators Collective present:
A gathering and celebration of NYC’s Social Good Community during Social Media Week
Please join us for an intimate Valentine’s evening of change, creativity and conversation at SVA’s striking Westside Gallery, featuring a curated selection of art, ethically sourced artisanal chocolates, wine and heartfelt stories of significant global impact from the Social Innovators Collective.
When: Tuesday, February 14th from 6-8pm
Where: School of Visual Arts Westside Gallery, 601 W. 26th St., 15th floor
Ticket price: $15
Registration: http:// socialinnovatorscollective.
______________________________ ______________________________ ___
Social Innovators CollectiveThe Social Innovators Collective is an international network of emerging founders, leaders and individuals who work in the social enterprise and nonprofit sectors. The Collective was born in 2010 when a handful of New York-based social entrepreneurs and nonprofit leaders realized that they were dealing with strikingly similar challenges, and that by leveraging collective resources and insights they could overcome those challenges. . Design for Social Innovation at SVADesign for Social Innovation at the School of Visual Arts is the first MFA program for designers and graduates in other disciplines who want to harness the power of design to create positive change and impact. An inaugural cohort of 25 diverse, extraordinary students will become leaders in solving real world challenges, beginning in the fall of 2012. is a creative community for accelerating social change. Launched in January 2011 by Alex Bogusky, Ana Bogusky, Rob Schuham and John Bielenberg, COMMON supports, connects and celebrates those designing the next era of conscious capitalism and consumerism.
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Want to party for a great cause? Check this out! 100% of all proceeds from this fundraiser support the "I Promise Project" to get girls in Liberia off the streets and into a safe community center after school.
Join More than Me and Givology for an open bar and live music @ Marquee to support girls' education in Liberia.
Date: January 28, 2012
Where: Marquee, NYC (289 10th Avenue, between 26th and 27th)
When: 7 PM - 11 PM EST
What: Keynote address by Katie Meyler (katie at morethanme dot org), opening remarks by Prince Lorenzo Borghese, unlimited drinks, live music, and great company!
RSVP today: $50 for complimentary drinks, entrance, and an unforgettable night!
What we do: Here
Join More than Me and Givology for an open bar and live music @ Marquee to support girls' education in Liberia.
Date: January 28, 2012
Where: Marquee, NYC (289 10th Avenue, between 26th and 27th)
When: 7 PM - 11 PM EST
What: Keynote address by Katie Meyler (katie at morethanme dot org), opening remarks by Prince Lorenzo Borghese, unlimited drinks, live music, and great company!
RSVP today: $50 for complimentary drinks, entrance, and an unforgettable night!
What we do: Here
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Digital Dumbo - Brooklyn event 1/26
If you're interested in the NYC tech scene, then check this out!
Digital Dumbo’s 3rd year anniversary!
Tickets free; if you want a T-shirt, it's $25.
Thursday, January 26, 2012 from 6:30 PM to 9:30 PM (ET)
155 Water Street
New York, 11201
New York, 11201
About Digital DUMBO
Digital DUMBO was founded in January of 2009 to raise awareness and foster business for the local technology community. We do this through collaborative efforts with local organizations, companies and individuals to showcase local talent, educate the community, and facilitate idea exchange. The goal of our efforts is to drive future talent to the area, sustain business and solidify the community as a viable economic player in the New York Metro area.
NOTE: You absolutely must show your ticket for entrance to this event. If you do not bring your ticket or are unable to show it on your mobile phone and are not on the list, you will be turned away.
General Inquiries & Press Contacts
Please contact Andrew Zarick (@A2Z) and Kaitlin Villanova (@KaitVillanova) with any questions, comments, or press iniquiries.
Thursday, January 12, 2012
The Feast Social Innovation Week & happy hr Jan 24.
If you're interested in social innovation, design thinking, or just plain ol' changing the world, check out The Feast events below.
Happy networking!
The Feast is back and bigger than ever, hosting the first ever Social Innovation Week.
Why? Because the world needs a more ambitious vision of what a better future might look like. By creating this together, we can unlock our potential to realize change with a new understanding of what’s possible.
Like a meal after a bountiful harvest, The Feast is about coming together and bringing your best. So this year we're opening up the format to the community to build and showcase their work.
Join us as we gather The Feast community just to kick off 2012 and celebrate the next evolution of The Feast!
The Feast 2012 Preview Drinks!
Tuesday, January 24, 2011
6:30 PM - 9:30 PM
The Vault at Pfaff's
643 Broadway, New York
Register Now! =>
You thought it couldn't get any better? Well get ready for a whole new level of full on good!
Happy networking!
The Feast Social Innovation Week
What ever happened to imagining a better future? What happened to dreaming so big that it moved us to make it a reality?The Feast is back and bigger than ever, hosting the first ever Social Innovation Week.
Why? Because the world needs a more ambitious vision of what a better future might look like. By creating this together, we can unlock our potential to realize change with a new understanding of what’s possible.
Like a meal after a bountiful harvest, The Feast is about coming together and bringing your best. So this year we're opening up the format to the community to build and showcase their work.
Join us as we gather The Feast community just to kick off 2012 and celebrate the next evolution of The Feast!
The Feast 2012 Preview Drinks!
Tuesday, January 24, 2011
6:30 PM - 9:30 PM
The Vault at Pfaff's
643 Broadway, New York
Register Now! =>
You thought it couldn't get any better? Well get ready for a whole new level of full on good!
Angel Investing conference - Pipeline Fund - Feb 10, NYC
Interested in learning more about angel investing? Check out the Pipeline Fellowship conference next month!

The 2012 NYC Pipeline Fellowship Conference is an all day event on angel investing.
Breakfast and lunch will be provided.
Tickets will not be sold at the event. Refunds will not be issued.
8:30 am registration to 7 pm reception

You are invited to attend:
2012 NYC Pipeline Fellowship Conference
Friday, February 10, 2012 from 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Join us at the second NYC Pipeline Fellowship Conference on Friday, February 10, 2012.
Location: Goodwin Procter's offices in The New York Times building (620 Eighth Avenue).
Register online: http:// 2012nycpipelinefellowshipconfe
Breakfast and lunch will be provided.
Tickets will not be sold at the event. Refunds will not be issued.
8:30 am registration to 7 pm reception
Monday, January 9, 2012
Women Advancing Microfinance committee elections Jan 18
If you're interested in microfinance, check out the Women Advancing Microfinance steering committee elections on January 18. (Note to the guys: there are always a few men in the room, though it is usually 95% women.)
Happy networking!
Happy networking!
WAM NY Steering Committee 2012 Elections
January 18, 2012
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Tuesday webinars in Design & Social Innovation
Want to change the world for the better? Heard of "design thinking" but aren't really sure what it really means? Check out this free webinar series!
Design for Social Innovation has developed a free webinar series that discusses design, innovation, and purpose to your life and career.
Join MFA DSI every Tuesday in January for a this free webinar series. More speakers and guests to come in February as well!
Space is limited so please register early!
Design for Social Innovation has developed a free webinar series that discusses design, innovation, and purpose to your life and career.
Join MFA DSI every Tuesday in January for a this free webinar series. More speakers and guests to come in February as well!
Space is limited so please register early!
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Mon Jan 30 ACCION USA Microfinance Council mtg
Do you think microfinance is cool? Want to learn more about how to get involved with microfinance in the USA? Check out the ACCION USA Microfinance Council - there's a meeting on January 30 in NYC.
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Sat. Feb. 4 - TEDxYale and TEDxBigApple
Here's a fun new year's dilemma for you: which TEDx event to go to on Saturday, February 4? Two in the NYC metro area are:
1. TEDxYale -, around 9:30 am to 5 pm
Location: Yale University in New Haven; details after you apply/sign up
Register: (get on the email list!)
Cost: $40 to attend, probably $100 for the after-party in New Haven...
(sorry I don't have more info here - but the website does!)
2. TEDxBigApple
Cost: $100 to attend
Location: Saatchi & Saatchi in NYC - 375 Hudson Street, New York, NY 10014-3660 (West Village)
Topic: Disruptive Ideas
Register: register
Info: 300 change agents + 13 distinguished speakers discuss Disruptive Ideas to change the world within 5 years.
Register now with code DISRUPTGG. (Thanks to Gary Sharma of Gary's Guide,, for this!)
Here's how to get a ticket to the event:
1. You submit this registration form by January 10, 2012. This form helps us learn more about you and ensure that registrants most interested in the event are able to get in, even if the event is over-subscribed; it also creates a community of like-minded individuals interested in innovation (via an email list).
2. We curate all the registrations and invite some of you to apply for tickets, as seats become available (invitation will come through Eventbrite). Please be sure to share a valid email address!
3. You click on the link we send you, to pay for your ticket. Each ticket costs $100.00*. For Saatchi related inquiries please contact
*Ticket revenue is used to pay for speaker transportation and event-related costs. The organizers are all unpaid volunteers.
1. TEDxYale -, around 9:30 am to 5 pm
Location: Yale University in New Haven; details after you apply/sign up
Register: (get on the email list!)
Cost: $40 to attend, probably $100 for the after-party in New Haven...
(sorry I don't have more info here - but the website does!)
2. TEDxBigApple
Cost: $100 to attend
Location: Saatchi & Saatchi in NYC - 375 Hudson Street, New York, NY 10014-3660 (West Village)
Topic: Disruptive Ideas
Info: 300 change agents + 13 distinguished speakers discuss Disruptive Ideas to change the world within 5 years.
Register now with code DISRUPTGG. (Thanks to Gary Sharma of Gary's Guide,, for this!)
Here's how to get a ticket to the event:
1. You submit this registration form by January 10, 2012. This form helps us learn more about you and ensure that registrants most interested in the event are able to get in, even if the event is over-subscribed; it also creates a community of like-minded individuals interested in innovation (via an email list).
2. We curate all the registrations and invite some of you to apply for tickets, as seats become available (invitation will come through Eventbrite). Please be sure to share a valid email address!
3. You click on the link we send you, to pay for your ticket. Each ticket costs $100.00*. For Saatchi related inquiries please contact
*Ticket revenue is used to pay for speaker transportation and event-related costs. The organizers are all unpaid volunteers.
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