FREE public speaking workshop by my friend Zach Williams - these are really excellent and you should go even if public speaking makes you nervous.
January 8th, 2013 at 7:00pm: Acting Improv for Business Professionals
Class Description: Improv
is a skill that helps students become more confident and engaged public
speakers. Students will also benefit from exercises that encourage
creativity and stronger teamwork skills. The class will be a
combination of lecture and group exercises designed for beginners
Class Date/Time: Tuesday, 1/8 at 7pm-9pm
Class Cost: Free! Space limited, so RSVP!
Class Location: Joria Productions, 260 West 36th Street, 3rd Floor, Studio 2, between 7th & 8th Avenue
Class Instructor: Zach Williams, MBA, Public Speaking Coach
Phone: (310) 701-3414
Website: www. artofpresentationconsulting. com
January 15th at 2:30pm: Public Speaking Basics Class
Class Description: The
class will be a combination of lecture, group exercises, and individual
coaching. Class material will cover basics such as anxiety management,
body language, eye contact, and audience connection
Class Date/Time: Tuesday, 1/15 at 2:30pm-4:30pm
Class Cost: Free! Space limited, so RSVP!
Class Location: 36 Street Studio, 260 West 36th Street, 3rd Floor, Room C, between 7th & 8th Avenue
Class Instructor: Zach Williams, MBA, Public Speaking Coach
Email: zach AT artofpresentationconsulting DOT com
Phone: (310) 701-3414
Website: www. artofpresentationconsulting. com