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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Goodnik Hackathon in NYC, Aug 24-26

Check out this great event!  Whether you're a techie or just a volunteer who wants to help with this "Goodnik Hackathon," see below for details.
Happy coding and connecting!

Helping Hacks is just a little more than a week away and we’ve got scores of hackers signed up, 10 organizations that have projects at the ready, and some really great support from terrific sponsors. All in all, this is shaping up to be a great inaugural Goodnik hackathon.

There is now a CTO for the event: Parag Khandelwal. He’s got a lot of experience running these events and is now the point person for all things technical – if you’ve got a question about the tech part of Helping Hacks, contact parag (at) goodnik (dot) org.

If you’re interested in being a hacker, we’re still looking for a few people to help out – the more hackers we get, the more projects we can take on and the more organizations we can help. If you’ve got design, web development or mobile skills, we need your help! Sign up at, where you can list the skills you’re most interested in working with and see who else is on the hack. And don’t forget to register at so we can print you a badge and save you a t-shirt.

If you’re not a hacker but you still want to participate with the hackathon, we’re still looking for a few volunteers; we need people to help set up and register folks at the opening of the event on Friday night, we need a few folks to be generally helpful for a few hours at a time over Saturday and Sunday, and we need people to help us wrap up on Sunday.  
We are also in need of some people to take pictures of the event and If you’re willing to volunteer, please register for a Volunteer ticket at If you have questions about volunteering, shoot a note to pam <at> goodnik dotorg.

Remember: in order to participate in the hackathon you must get a ticket through

Sponsors: The Hatchery has provided awesome space to use at Alley NYC, and One Medical has stepped in to host the opening night cocktail mixer and provide breakfast on both days of the event. Our core sponsors include the Blue Ridge Foundation, Applications for Good, OURewards,, Temboo - these folks get credit for covering a lot of the other expenses and food for the weekend. Contributing sponsors Singlebrook and the Sunlight Foundation have helped with general support as well, and Partners Catchafire and DuraSpace have helped with advice and really worked to get the word out.

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