This blog is about how the right networking events can help you find the right job (or jobs!) for you.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Dec. 14-17 Designers Bulletin

From Brielle Maxwell's "Designers Bulletin" email list - check out ithese innovative, design-oriented, architecture/art/technology shindigs!
Happy networking,
Katharine Bierce

Tuesday, December 14

6pm Victoria Milne, “We Built This City: How Art, Graphics, and Design Policy Take Shape for New Yorkers”

Friends. New Yorkers share one thing in common: we're generally from other places. Yet, when we come together we do but one thing: we build this city. As an 80s reminder: Show up and take a bow. This apple exists because you bite it.


136 West 21 Street,
2nd floor,
New York NY

7pm Hobby

You know that stuff you do at home, when you cancel those drinks invites in favor of the macrame moment? Yeah. Hobbies. We have them. Come into the light. And be at home with yourself in this pecha kucha hobby smackdown.


Harvest HQ
187 Lafayette St.
6th Floor
New York, NY 10013

Wednesday, December 15

7PM Hive Holiday Party

It's nice to be with a bunch of people who care about the same stuff you do. The Hive. 'nuff said.


Hive at 55
55 Broad Street
13th Floor
New York, NY 10004

Thursday, December 16

8-11 PM Monthly Design Review with Simon Sinek

As designers, we often reflexively start with THE HOW or THE WHAT -- listen, we're human; it's forgivable. Come and learn why good design needs to orient at THE WHY.
In case some motivation is required:


Salt Space
1158 Broadway 5th FL
New York, NY

Friday, December 17


Have you ever wondered what your worth is? We mean as designers? Nope. Not an existential question. More of a validation. Come. Listen. Be. This conference will critically examine what design and designers have "given" to the world, in action and in theory, and what more they might give as the concept of design evolves and expands.


Anna-Maria and Stephen Kellen Auditorium,
Sheila C. Johnson Design Center,
66 Fifth Avenue

6 -11PM theMAKE Cookie-X-travaganza Part II

We know you baked those cookies last week, wrapped them up, and gave them away. New York thanks you!
Designers Bulletin wants to take your sweetness to the next level. Could you bake another batch, take a picture and send it to us? We're building a cookie compendium to show what this city's transactional sweetness can look like.
Tag your pix with theMAKECookieGiveAway and hashtag on Twitter #theMAKEDB @designbulletin.
In return, an invite awaits. (psssst: egg nog & elves ...)


Not very much!


Cookies for all!


All. Five. Boroughs.

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