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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

TEDxNY and TEDxLowerEastSide / TEDWomen - Dec. 3, Dec. 7-8

I went to the TEDxEast pre-party (conference was sold out!) a few weeks ago and these events should be great!

Also, TEDxNY is the weekly informal watch-a-TED-talk-and-discuss event.  The other one (below) is more involved / not weekly.  TEDxBrooklyn seems to be monthly and TEDxEast is a big yearly conference. 

Friday, December 3rd
200 Fifth Ave, NW corner of 23rd St & Fifth Ave

Please allow for a few extra minutes as Security has to process each guest.

New York TEDsters join D.C. and the World
TEDWomen is a fast-paced, highly curated two-day stage program featuring TED’s famous 18-minute talks, plus music, comedy, dance, short talks, video interludes and other surprises.
A truly global event, TEDWomen will center in Washington, D.C., and connect live to self-organized events across the globe.

TEDxLowerEastSide joins this global dialogue over the course of a two-day event at Saro Bistro. Menu includes a live streaming of the complete TEDWomen program, engaging conversations, Balkan delicatessens, surprises and after party in the TED tradition.

TEDxLowerEastSide is free & open but Saro is cosy and space is very limited. Attendance is by registration and invitation, and is strictly not for women only.

How are women and girls reshaping the future?
The first-ever TEDWomen invites men and women to explore this question in depth. From the developing world, where a single microloan to a single girl can transform a village, to the West, where generations of educated women are transforming entire industries, women are powerful change agents, intellectual innovators, idea champions …

Tuesday, December 7
2:30-4:15pm SESSION 1: Overtures
4:15-5:15pm Conversation break
5:15-7pm SESSION 2: Life’s Symphony
7pm-late Dinner at Saro Bistro
Wednesday, December 8
8:30-10:15am SESSION 3: Composers
10:15-11:15am Conversation break
11:15am-1pm SESSION 4: Duets
1-2:30pm Lunch at Saro Bistro
2:45-4:30pm SESSION 5: Harmony and Discord
4:30-5:30pm Conversation break
5:30-7:15pm SESSION 6: Crescendo
7:15pm-late Dinner & Drinks at Saro Bistro
and here’s the detailed TEDWomen schedule from 

Some of the speakers you’ll hear from will include:
- The physician who discovered the life-saving importance of treating men and women differently
- The women who redesigned their country’s financial system in the wake of near-catastrophe
- The husband-wife team whose collaborative style has sustained an innovative business model
- The tech pioneer whose human-centered approach is redefining how we interact with computers
- The rural woman whose successful startup evokes and supports her community’s heritage
- A world leader bringing peace to her conflict-ridden nation
- The teen-age filmmaker whose stories changed how a community saw itself
- The global health expert whose grandmother taught him how inventions transform lives
- The anthropologist who traces altruism to the mother-child bond
- The explorer collecting stories and preserving languages of endangered cultures
and here’s the full list of speakers and why you should listen to then. 

The event is organized by a group of local TEDsters passionate about the idea of celebrating women and girls around the world and will be hosted by TEDxTelAviv co-organizer and host Maya.

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