We are pleased to invite you to a half-day conference on Friday, December 10, 2010 that will examine important questions about diversity on corporate boards, including ways to increase the number of women in these critical leadership roles.
The conference, which will begin with a breakfast and keynote address by Esther Duflo, the Abdul Latif Jameel Professor of Poverty Alleviation and Development Economics at MIT, is co-sponsored by the Athena Center for Leadership Studies and the Sanford C. Bernstein & Co. Center for Leadership and Ethics at Columbia Business School. We hope you can join us for a thought-provoking morning. If registered by November 22: $45. Otherwise: $60. Please register online. The invitation is below:
| | Has The Time Come For Bolder Policies For Diversity At The Top Of The Corporation? Friday December 10, 2010 8:00 AM – 12:30 PM Venue: The Italian Academy 1161 Amsterdam Avenue (between 117th and 118th Streets) New York (directions and online map). Co-hosted by: The Athena Center for Leadership Studies at Barnard College and the Sanford C. Bernstein & Co. Center for Leadership and Ethics Conference fee: If registered by November 22: $45. Otherwise: $60. Please register online. The path breaking study by Rosabeth Moss Kanter proposed that women would not have easy access to top management since they lacked critical mass. In almost all countries, the percentage of female CEOs is less than 5% and female board directors hover between 10% and 15%. Given that university graduates are now at 50% female and the labor forces are also nearly equally divided by gender, the lack of penetration of women to the top of the corporation is stunning. The implication is that there are simply not enough women to change beliefs and clubs that influence the selection of top officers of the corporation. As of 2008, Norway imposed penalties for public and state-owned enterprises that failed to achieve a target of 40% of directors to be female. The few studies done on this experiment, which is being implemented elsewhere in Europe, indicate that the social justice goals of quotas also impose costs. In some cases, firms anticipated these costs and exited Norway or public listings; for those that stayed, one study showed that financial performance fell. At the same time, other research indicates that increasing diversity improves performance and increasing women changes the agenda of issues to be addressed and improves governance. What do we know about bold policies for creating diversity at the top of the corporation? What is the effect of these policies? This conference will bring together academic and practitioner thought leaders to discuss what research and experience has told us about ways to increase diversity at the top. The conference takes for granted that diversity has an important property of social justice and other benefits, but to this adds the question at what cost to private liberties and economic performance. Speakers include: Esther Duflo, Abdul Latif Jameel Professor of Poverty Alleviation and Development Economics, MIT Debora Spar, President, Barnard College Ann Bartel, Merrill Lynch Professor of Workforce Transformation, Chair, Economics Subdivision, Columbia Business School Barbara Colwell BUS '80, Former Executive Director, ThinkQuest NYC James DeGraffenreidt BUS '78, Former chairman and CEO of WGL Holdings, Inc Amy Dittmar, Associate Professor of Finance, Stephen M. Ross School of Business Bruce Kogut, Sanford C. Bernstein & Co. Professor of Leadership and Ethics; Director, Sanford C. Bernstein & Co. Center, Columbia Business School Kathryn Kolbert, Director, Athena Center for Leadership Studies; Professor of Leadership Studies, Barnard College David Ross, Assistant Professor, Columbia Business School Conference schedule and academic paper are available at: www.gsb.columbia.edu/ |
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