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Sunday, November 13, 2011

Nov. 30 History & Future of Money event with WNSF

If you're interested in understanding how money works, why credit in Europe is all messed up, and what might happen to the euro, check out this event.


Women's Network for a Sustainable Future:
keynote and conversation with
Bernard Lietaer
co-author of New Money For A New World
As we witness the turmoil in Europe around the single currency and the search for solutions, few people are better equipped than economist, systems thinker and currency designer Bernard Lietaer, to shed light on the crisis and to share his vision for New Money For A New World.
Co-designer and implementer of the convergence mechanism to the Euro, Bernard will be our keynote speaker at an event hosted by the Women's Network for a Sustainable Future and the Earth Institute at 6:30pm on Wednesday evening, November 30, 2011 at the Altschul Auditorium in Columbia University's International Affairs Building.
A long time proponent of currency and money system diversity, Bernard will take us on a journey through the history of money. He will demonstrate how our obsession with single currencies and the monopoly of our centuries old monetary system have fostered instability as well as societal and ecological breakdown.
In advocating diversity both in scale and type in our monetary ecology, Bernard will showcase several innovative solutions, including examples of rethinking money already in play, that can "stop the juggernaut towards global self-destruction."
A monetary expert, Bernard has studied and worked in this field for more than 30 years in an unusually broad range of capacities: as a Central Banker, a fund manager, a university professor, and a consultant to governments in numerous countries, multinational corporations, and community organizations. He served as president of the Electronic Payment System at the National Bank of Belgium (the Belgium Central Bank) and today consults with many Central Banks across the world.
He is the author of The Future of Money, co-author of New Money For A New World (forthcoming from Qiterra Press) with Stefan Belgin and co-author of Creating Human Wealth, published last month which talks about creating motivational currencies at local levels to grow local economies and to create jobs.
This is a timely conversation and should not be missed.
More information on Bernard Lietaer and his works can be found at

Wednesday, November 30, 2011 from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM (ET)

Columbia University International Affairs Building
Altschul Auditorium (Room 417)
420 West 118th Street
New York, NY 10027
    If you can attend -  Respond Here  
For more information click here.

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