Happy networking!
Monday, January 17th
7PM Hoboken Tech Meetup
Four Steps to the Epiphany, Steve Blank’s fast-selling book, a “must read” among entrepreneurs, investors, and established companies alike, is widely read and annotated throughout Silicon Valley. It details Steve’s Customer Development process: a rigorous methodology he developed to bring a “scientific method” approach to the typically chaotic, seemingly disorganized startup process and heighten startup’s chances for success. Steve’s partner and co-author Bob Dorf will introduce the Customer Development process, along with a variety of case histories and anecdotes depicting successes, failures, and “how to’s” for startup success.
RSVP: http://www.meetup.com/
Tuesday, January 18th
5:30PM NYC SPIN Michael Mah – Ugly Teams: Managing Difficult Conversations in Agile and Offshoring
Ugly teams are ones that break down and fail – sometimes regardless of whether they’re implementing Agile or about managing offshore teams. In the rush to be faster, better, cheaper, or super-innovative, it’s possible to become trapped in organizational dysfunction.
In this presentation, Michael Mah will show examples of companies that have overcome barriers to success, plus a few who didn’t. You’ll learn how systems theory plays a role in software development, why complex communication and expert thinking are the penultimate challenges facing knowledge workers today, and how accurate and reliable metrics are key to revealing patterns so that managers can find the right path through their software development jungle.
RSVP: http://www.eventbrite.com/
6PM NYC UPA – Lean UX: Getting Out Of The Deliverables Business With Jeff Gothelf
Traditionally, User Experience design has been firmly grounded in paper-based documents, wireframes, heavyweight specs, granular flow diagrams, and branded presentations have been accepted as the de facto products of information architects, coders, interaction designers, and visual designers. But do these deliverables solve business problems? Jeff Gothelf, User Experience Director at TheLadders.com, says no. In this talk, Jeff will explain the iterative strategy and team communication model that characterizes Lean UX, where documentation is not discounted but instead transformed into a practical and usable tool.
RSVP: http://nycupa.org/Register?
6PM Fashion 2.0 Startup Showcase
Come watch the most innovative fashion startups presenting and getting instant feedback from the panel of leading investors in the space, including Danny Schultz, Owen Davis, Sim Blaustein, and Liza Boyd.
RSVP: http://www.meetup.com/
6PM New York Technology Council – Patent Protection Update: Software and Financial Method Patents
A distinguished panel, including Charles “Chuck” Meyer, a veteran of the Research in Motion (Blackberry) patent dispute, Richard Raysman (panel chair) of Holland & Knight and David Bomzer of Day Pitney, will analyze recent critical developments in patent protection. This is totally the romantic tech date event of the week.
RSVP: https://www.nytech.org/event-
7PM Gaming for change: Using educational and social impact games
Jeremy Pesner has published research on educational gaming and participated in events including the New York Gaming Meetup, Games for Change, Y+30 meetup on Digital Communication, Music Arts and Gaming Festival, and World’s Fair Use Day. This presentation will give an overview of gaming from a longtime gamer’s perspective, and engage the audience with simple games to demonstrate how they attract players and – most importantly – remain fun.
RSVP: http://www.meetup.com/NYC-
7:30PM Breaking In Through Your Website’s Front Door – Exploiting User Interface Vulnerabilities with ClickJacking, CSRF, and XSS Attacks
Think your site’s front end is secure? Think again! This talk covers some common, simple, and effective techniques that hackers use today to steal your users' data and hijack their accounts through the user interface. The presentation offers technical explanations of how the attacks work, real-world demonstrations of the attack’s effectiveness, and defensive techniques to keep your data secure. Guys behind a dating site are giving a talk about exploiting vulnerabilities. I see what they did there.
RSVP: http://www.meetup.com/
9PM NY Nightowls
Working deep into night people are. Beware the dark side.
RSVP: http://www.meetup.com/NY-
Wednesday, January 19th
6PM The Structured Search Engine – Google NYC Tech Talks
Structured search is about giving the search engine a deeper understanding of documents and queries and how they relate to real-world entities. Using this knowledge, we can build search products that lead users directly to their answers, or assemble disparate data into a more unified interface that helps users make better decisions. This talk will present a variety of ways in which a better understanding of structure and semantics is helping Google push the boundaries of search.
RSVP: http://www.meetup.com/google-
6:30PM Open NY: Setting the Agenda for 2011 / NYC Big Apps Collaborations
We’ll review Open NY’s mission and establish goals and an agenda for 2011 by detailing specific projects for sustained focus. We’ll have a chance to list problems in New York government and civic life that are in need of more open processes and then we’ll strategize which areas to focus on in the coming months. Also, are you working on a project for NYC Big Apps, but want feedback or a collaborator? Come and demonstrate your project and ask for feedback or pitch your project in search of last minute collaborators before the January 26th deadline. This is the perfect opportunity for developers or policy experts to partner up and create software applications to improve quality of life and government in NYC.
RSVP: http://www.meetup.com/openny/
6:30PM Pitch Yourself into the Shark Tank – The Health 2.0 / Angel-VC Matchmaking Event
Health 2.0 NYC is pleased to announce our first ever healthcare startup / funding matchmaking event. While our group has been frequented by VCs, Angels, and other “Capital Injection Specialists”, this is our first ever official panel that is intended to connect the entrepreneurs with those that fund their efforts. We also would like to welcome a special guest from the press! Center stage are the amazing start-ups we look forward to helping meet their Angel or VC match!
RSVP: http://www.health20nyc.com/
Thursday, January 20th
6:30PM 2011 Kick-Off BigScreen LittleScreen – BigScreen LittleScreen – The Creative Side of Web Video
Created to help support and encourage the growth of the web TV community, BigScreen LittleScreen screens some of the newest web series and creative developments in web video. And we serve beer! From original web series to branded entertainment, creators get a chance to screen their work and to discuss the how’s, why’s, and what’s of their production. We focus on the development, talent, production and distribution of the web video. And beer. Beer.
RSVP: http://www.meetup.com/
6:30PM Best Practices: Recognizing and Capitalizing on Great Product & Startup Ideas
Come and learn what makes a great product or startup idea from 2 successful guest CEOs, who will join Best Practices host Joe Chin, serial CEO, in an interactive discussion.
Philip James, Founding CEO of Snooth, the largest online wine community, Founder of Lot18 (Wine Private Sales) and Co-Founder of Gramercy Labs, an NYC incubator with 4 portfolio companies Climbed Everest in 2003 (Philip’s bio)
Dennis Mortensen, Started 4 ventures, Last one acquired by Yahoo!, First one by TJ Group (NASDAQ), CEO, Founder of Visual Revenue, a Predictive Analytics Company for Media, Author of Data Driven Insights from Wiley (Dennis’ bio)
RSVP: http://www.eventbrite.com/
6:30PM Pontiflex App Developer Workshop
Join us for our App Developers Workshop to learn how you can make $5 – $60 for every 1,000 people who open your app. That beats the heck out of the 50 cents you’ve been making, doesn’t it? Pontiflex recently introduced a new mobile advertising platform, AppLeads. After a year of testing and integration with top mobile developers, AppLeads is available for anyone with an app. (Yes, you!)
RSVP: http://appleadsdevelopers.
6:30PM Agile Development in the Enterprise: Certified Scrum Master(CSM) Course with Jeff Sutherland and Jochen Krebs
The creator of Scrum will describe how the Scrum process itself was invented and the key success factors for achieving the design goals of Scrum. After the talk, you must try to take a rock from his hand. The strategy for deploying Scrum in large enterprises such as Microsoft, Google, and Yahoo will be described and case studies will review how a CMMI Level 5 company has institutionalized Scrum as its primary mode of development by first doubling productivity and then cutting contracting costs in half.
RSVP: http://agilenycjeffsutherland.
7PM Inside the Founder’s Studio with Matt Meeker & Kyle Bragger – The NYC Lean Startup Meetup
Matt is an entrepreneur who has started three companies, including Meetup, and is currently Entrepreneur-in-Residence with Polaris Ventures. From 2002 to 2008, Matt helped build Meetup from an idea to a profitable company serving groups in 60 countries and millions of members. After Meetup, Matt spent time building two different startup companies, Wee Web and OpenSky.
Kyle Bragger crafts code. He is the founder, lead developer, and head of product at Forrst. He cut his teeth engineering for The Huffington Post and BricaBox.
RSVP: http://www.meetup.com/lean-
Friday, January 21st
2PM #StartupFootball
Casual, co-ed touch football in East River Park down by East 6th Street. We've been down this for a few months now, every third Friday, and it’s a lot of fun.
RSVP: http://www.facebook.com/event.
Saturday, January 22nd
1PM Intro to HTML/CSS Workshop
Want to learn to build websites? Have a website on wordpress, tumblr or blogger, but want to learn to customize it? This class will arm you with the skills and tools you need to do so. You will leave the class with new knowledge AND a ready-reference card!
RSVP: http://www.eventbrite.com/
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