Tuesday, January 25th
6PM Net Zero Energy Buildings: Moving from Demonstration Projects to the Mainstream
Bert Gregory of Mithun will discuss his firms' involvement in net zero energy buildings and neighborhoods such as the Lloyd Crossing and Project Green planning efforts. He will present inspiring projects that are achieving new levels of sustainability in a challenging marketplace and will provide expert insights into metrics, best practices, trends, and prospects in the realm of low/net zero energy buildings. Energon cubes will be provided.
RSVP: http://www.nyas.org/events/
6:30PM New Models for Food Communities
We're holding a conversation with a couple of groups that are developing new models for organizing food communities and getting food to those communities. Wholeshare (www.wholeshare.com) is in town from San Francisco, and This Batch (www.thisbatch.com) will come all the way from Boerum Hill to speak with us about how they're using technology to make food buying more efficient and more community-driven. Nom nom nom.
RSVP: http://www.meetup.com/food-
6:30PM January 2011 NYVideo Meetup
January GUESTS - Tech: Ken Zamkow from LiveU will present the latest in live, backpack tech for HD broadcasting. (www.liveu.tv) Interview: Joy Marcus, GM North America at Dailymotion.com, will share her vision for the emerging prominence of web video and how it will impact both creators and consumers. (dailymotion.com) Content: Seth and Mike from BeerNation (BeerNationShow.com) will toast the web video revolution - and talk about how Craft Beer is both good business and good fun. Technology Launch: Video Collaboration platform TakeOff Video's Steve Potter will premier an awesome new way to work with a team on a video production. takeoffvideo.com
RSVP: http://www.meetup.com/nyvideo/
7PM New Year, New Tech for Non-Profits
It's the new year, and we're going to kick it off with a meetup of a different sort. We'll be opening the stage to a small number of organizations or companies who have interesting products and success stories to share. Think of it like an "open mic night" for non-profit tech! Good lord I hope it's as fun as Showtime at the Apollo. That show was a hoot.
RSVP: http://www.grassrootscamp.org/
Wednesday, January 26th
7PM Pentaho: Business Intelligence and Big Data
Please join us for a night talking business intelligence, predictive analytics, and 'big data' with Pentaho's Founder and Chief Geek, James Dixon! James will discuss Pentaho's open source business intelligence platform and features as detailed below.
RSVP: http://www.meetup.com/NYC-
Thursday, January 27th
6:30PM Digital Dumbo 2 Year Anniversary
Happy Birthday to Digital Dumbo--the party at the heart of the Brooklyn creative social scene. While you're celebrating, thank Kristin Maverick (@kmaverick) for starting the monthly event while she worked at Carrot. Her effort and creativity live on in the connections formed by some of the most interesting outer borough participants.
RSVP: http://digitaldumbo.
Saturday, January 29th
1PM HTML5 and CSS3 Intensive Workshop
You have been hearing all about HTML5, now come find out what all the fuss is about. The course will be a mix of lecture, samples and hands-on labs to get you up and running. You will leave the class with new knowledge AND a ready-reference card! Pre-requisite: The Intro to HTML/CSS class, or a working knowledge of HTML/CSS. DIscuss HTML5 and CSS3 at a high level, examining what it is, where we are now, and who is leading the way. Cover CSS3 effects, including rounded corners, inset and drop shadows, and gradients. Learn how to add audio and video to your sites using HTML5 with no plugins required! Review HTML5 Offline Storage, what it is and how to use it.
RSVP: http://www.eventbrite.com/
Technicalities - Events for Developers
Tuesday, January 25th
6:30PM 'The Big Data Analytics Tool Kit’ with James Dixon, Chief Geek, Pentaho
Getting a Hadoop cluster up and running is only the first step in launching a company’s Big Data practices. You will need more than Hadoop to access all these individual data points and quickly deduce informative patterns never available before. This presentation will cover some of the tools necessary to streamline Big Data management: MapReduce, Hive, ETL, BI, etc.
RSVP: http://www.meetup.com/Hadoop-
7PM Blocks in Objective-C w/ Robert Clair - iPhone Software Developers Meetup
Blocks (also sometimes called anonymous functions or closures) are an Apple-added extension to the C, Objective-C and C++ languages. They are a way of packing up some functionality (executable code) and an execution context (the values of some variables) as a single entity. In this talk you'll learn how to create a block, how to execute a block, about a special type of variable called a block variable, about copying and memory management for blocks, and about some potential "Gotcha's" to avoid when using blocks.
RSVP: http://www.meetup.com/newyork-
Wednesday, January 26th
6:30PM Introduction to the Go language - Bob Hancock - NYC GTUG
If you don't know what Go is, see golang.org. If you have programmed in C, C++, Java, Python, or Javascript you already have a good foundation for learning Go. The Go programming language is an open source project to make programmers more productive. In fact, it has caffiene built right into the code.
RSVP: http://www.meetup.com/NYC-
6:30PM Introduction to Android Development Using .NET and MonoDroid
The Android platform has become a major player in the mobile space, but requires writing applications in Java. With the introduction of MonoDroid, .NET developers are now able to leverage the platform and tools they know to write Android applications. You know how everyone wishes Lex Luther would use his powers for good and not evil. This is kinda like that.
RSVP: http://www.nyalt.net/calendar/
Thursday, January 27th
7PM On Cross-Validation and Stacking: Or how to build seemingly predictive models on random data - NYC Machine Learning
We're starting a great new year for NYCML with Claudia Perlich, the chief scientist at Media6Degrees. She worked as a Researcher in the Predictive Modeling Group at IBM T.J. Watson Research Center. Her research interests are in practical applications of Machine Learning and Data Mining approaches.
RSVP: http://www.meetup.com/NYC-
Friday, January 28th
At our January session, Sergey Chernyshev will talk about caching in web applications, importance of cache, best practices and how to approach cache planning. He'll also talk cache versus credit, caching out too early, and cache money.
RSVP: http://www.meetup.com/Web-
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