This blog is about how the right networking events can help you find the right job (or jobs!) for you.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Tech and innovation events in NYC this week

From - Charlie O'Donnell's weekly email list of tech and innovation events in NYC:

Tuesday, January 11th

6:30PM Michal Migurski of Stamen Design Shows off This Tract: A Census Data Visualization Project

Stamen Design has developed a reputation as one of the country's leading interactive design and data visualization studios. Its director of technology, Michal Migurski, will join Hacks/Hackers NYC to talk about his latest project, This Tract, which combines government census data, data visualization tools, map tools and geolocation to better understand the area near where you are...  So stand in the place where you live...


6:30PM Laughingbooks and Fresh Squid Drinkup

Laughing Squid and FreshBooks want to welcome you into the new year with a fun little drink-up. So come out after work and say hi and share a drink with Scott Beale from Laughing Squid and Saul Colt from FreshBooks...oh and come early as the bar is open for the first hour!


6:30PM DEMO Innovation Tour

Pitches and pitchers!!  Boy, I don't know why I've never seen that phrased used before, but it really fits pretty well, doesn't it?  How about drinks and links?  Matt Marshall of DEMO and sponsor RRE Ventures will sort out the wheat and the chaffe from the hops and barely for your viewing and inbibing pleasure.

Apply to pitch or just RSVP here:

9PM NY Nightowls

If you have to ask how late they go, it's probably too late for you.


Wednesday, January 12th

7:00pm Javascript/JQuery Class by Girl Develop It

In the spirit of the 250-1000+ new developers in NYC 2011 goal... come learn JavaScript!

We will be covering basic Javascript, to the JQuery library, dynamic HTML, to JSON and APIs. Students will exit this class having a good grasp of basic programming principles and the knowledge of how to manipulate html elements. The class will be taught by Sara Chipps. All are welcome.


Thursday, January 13th

1PM PoolParty Demo Session - Webcast, not an actual pool

 Are you interested in Thesaurus Management, Semantic Search and Linked Data?

If yes, Andreas Blumauer would like to invite you to a 30min demo session [WEBCAST] which gives you an overview and details about some interesting features of PoolParty - a leading Semantic Web platform.

What will you learn in this session?
1. How to manage multi-lingual thesauri for the Semantic Web
2. How to use automatic text mining to improve your thesauri
3. How to use thesauri for semantic search
4. How to use linked data from the Semantic Web to enrich your thesauri
5. Why should we publish our thesauri or parts of it on the Linked Data Cloud?


6:30PM Ultra Light Startups: PR for Startups

You'll learn: How to get influential bloggers, reporters and journalists to cover your startup.  Determining which blogs, magazines, newspapers and TV shows to target for your PR efforts.  Developing relationships with journalists.  Best practices on pitching your story.  Handling interviews – how to prepare, what to say, what to avoid.  Maximizing the business value of your press...  and if you order now, we'll throw in a handy reading light.


7PM Foursquare - "Caching with Core Data: A Foursquare case study"

We have a fantastic presentation lined up by Foursquare Lead iPhone developer Anoop Ranganath. Anoop will be showing some cool new stuff Foursquare has been building that utilizes new features of iOS 4. You'll learn about balancing Core Data performance with ease of development, syncing primary keys with a remote platform, and how not to shoot yourself in the foot.


Friday, January 14th

8:30AM DUMBO Tech Breakfast Meetup

Everybody grabs some food (you have to pay for your own, sorry), grabs a seat, and talks tech. There's no particular focus other than meeting some new people hand having some interesting conversations.


9AM First Time Co-workers Day at New York City

As the title implies, this event is for folks who haven't worked at New Work City before. Sort of like when the local gym lets you have one free day on the house. Let's make room for some awesome new people!


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