NYU's Stern School of Business is hosting a conference on Social Entrepreneurship on November 5. I just got an email from Jill Kickul, Director of the Stewart Satter Program in Social Entrepreneurship in NYU Stern’s Berkley Center for Entrepreneurial Studies, about another workshop before the conference that may be of interest. Details are below.
Happy networking!
Learn SROI in Two Days--A Powerful Investment In Your Organization
Register here: http://sroiworkshop.eventbrite.com/
$399 one day only
$799 both days
Brought to you by two of the most respected pioneers of the technique, the SROI Network and the SVT Group, "How to Measure the Social Impact of Your Organization" will have you constructing compelling SROI reports on your organization's projects, within the space of 2 days.
Day 1 is a comprehensive introduction to SROI, in which you will learn by conducting an SROI analysis for one of your own projects.
Day 2 goes into even more depth, and serves as a professional practitioner training. Completing Day 2 will make you eligible for accreditation as a practitioner of SROI through The SROI Network, a valuable professional credential and affiliation for you and your organization.
Space is extremely limited for this workshop in order to provide one-on-one attention. It will sell out soon, at which point we'll be taking names for a waiting list. If you are at all interested in this workshop, please contact us right away to make sure space is still available.
The Benefits of Learning SROI Analysis
* Develop a clear picture of the measurable results of your organization's work. You will know which programs are working, and which are not. This will allow you to allocate resources where they're having the greatest impact.
* Make a stronger case to your stakeholders that your organization is achieving its mission. You no longer need to rely on the same stories and anecdotes again and again, or a fuzzy "sense" that things are moving in the right direction--you can support the case for your organization's success in hard data. It's another tool in your toolbox for showing that your project is on-track and worthy of investment.
* Identify yourself and your organization with the cutting-edge of the industry. Clearly, the trend in the world of social enterprise is towards more objective reporting and accurate accounting for social impact. As a professional, do you want to be on top of this trend, or behind it?
After college, I attended a lot of networking events in NYC as part of my job search. Now that I have a job, I still like to share what I’ve learn about great events. I think you'll agree that the "right events get you the right jobs," so I hope this blog is helpful. Email me if you know about a cool networking even: I’m kbierce (at) gmail dot com. Although I can’t attend everything, I love learning more about what’s new. A calendar of NYC events is at the bottom of this page.
This blog is about how the right networking events can help you find the right job (or jobs!) for you.
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